This fall EBCLO launched its STRTP Stability Project led by our new law fellow, CJ Connolly. The project is dedicated to supporting and advocating for youth in Short Term Residential Treatment Programs (formerly known as “group homes”). The original goals were to hold STRTPs accountable, protect foster youth’s rights in all environments, and disrupt the foster-care-to-prison pipeline through empowerment, education, and advocacy. Just as CJ was set to join us, we learned that effective October 1, 2021, California would have new laws implementing federal requirements for Short Term Residential Therapeutic Programs. Talk about good timing! EBCLO currently represents over 60 youth in STRTPs placed across 29 cities. Youth in group homes are 2.5 times more likely to be involved with the justice systems then their peers placed in traditional foster care settings. These youth tend to be youth of color, sexual exploitation victims, have disabilities or mental health challenges, or are members of the LGBT+ community. They have radically lower rates of academic success often connected to their placement instability and lack of consistent supports. Despite the good intentions behind the creation of STRTPs in 2015 to address congregate care concerns, there have been serious issues with implementation, services, and accountability. And now we are entering a new period of implementation new laws, new decision makers, new court procedure and more. We are so delighted to have CJ dedicated to this process and this group of youth who need specialized advocacy more than ever. Welcome aboard CJ!