Transition Aged Youth (TAY)

Transition aged youth (TAY) are young people between the ages of sixteen and twenty-four who are in transition from state custody or foster care. East Bay Children’s Law Office works with many TAY, and we’ve compiled tips for young people who are transitioning.

Tips for Transition Aged Youth

This page shares tips for college, employment, and other critical options for transition aged youth.

What is Extended Foster Care?

This page discusses AB12, which allows anyone who was in foster care on their 18th birthday to keep their case open until age 21. It provides an overview of AB12, housing options, and legal considerations.

Additional Links

Know Your RIghts

It can be challenging for youth and young adults to know the rights that they have. This page is a great start.

Mental Health Advocacy

Mental health is a critical and often overlooked aspect of a young person’s health. This page provides resources that can help.


EBCLO’s Education Advocacy Program works to help youth succeed in school.